This Is Life: Chicago

Creative Website Redesign For Easy Access

This Is Life: Chicago is a nonprofit organization (started by a mother and son duo) dedicated to supporting underprivileged communities in Chicago by empowering kids through performance arts. Our objective was to provide an updated website that showcases the organization's critical impact and allows for easier administrative access for updating web content.

Our Roles

  • Product Designer (End to end)

  • Satisfied all of clients feature requests

  • 110% Client Satisfaction


  • Ezekiel Gavieres - Product Designer

  • Sam Kwok - Product Designer


Timeline: 4 months

  • Deliverables: Functional and Responsive Website, Testing, Implementation, Customized Website Updating Guidebook

  • Tools: Figma, InDesign, Illustrator

  • Target Device: Web (Desktop and mobile)

Preparing For Design

Preparing For Design

We’ve scheduled a 1-on-1 video meeting with Natalie to learn more and discover what ‘This Is Life’ is all about—in her own words. This gave us profound information on what she wanted on her new website. In addition, we’ve also audited her old website to salvage the good and remove the bad. This allowed a much better layout that increased accessibility for when Natalie needed to update active components, such as events and media showcases.

Who Uses This is Life’s Website, and How Do We Include Them?

Who Uses This is Life’s Website, and How Do We Include Them?

This Is Life has multiple end users. The event host, the event participants, and This Is Life’s sponsors. Part of our role as designers is to consider the perspectives of all users.

  • If I were the event host, I want to be able to add or update events…

  • If I were a participant or visitor, I would like to easily contact the event host and find out the details of the events. Maybe even donate because of how much I resonate with and support the cause…

  • If I were a sponsor, I would like to learn about the impact the organization had and what goals they’re striving for…

All of these sorts of questions, answers, and combinations of statements must be considered to make a good website even better by including the audience and thinking about their individual goals.

Modernizing The Brand

Modernizing The Brand

This Is Life’s goal was to reach over 10,000 youth performers within the Chicago area, and their objective has since been growing. To allow for even more growth, we modernized This Is Life’s logo and updated their design guide to increase accessibility. This includes better color contrast and improved text legibility across the entire website.

Before and After

See the difference before MoonRise Studios redesigned 'This Is Life'

See the difference before MoonRise Studios redesigned 'This Is Life'

The Website Is Live

The Website Is Live

Check Out The Live Site!

Check Out The Live Site!

While taking into consideration all of the above, we’ve designed a website to align with Natalie’s needs and wants for a better experience. Who wouldn’t want to showcase their portfolio of presenting live on television and being written about by exemplary newspapers? We dedicated a space to help showcase and educate people about This Is Life. We’ve implemented intuitive navigation, clear-and-cut Call-To-Action buttons, and readily available and easily accessible information, as well as incorporated compelling storytelling techniques throughout the site. More importantly, we’ve allowed Natalie to keep improving and help change lives by making it easier to upload and update events to spread her and her son’s word across Chicago.


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