Top 15 Questions to Ask Web Designers Before Hiring Them

Top 15 Questions to Ask Web Designers Before Hiring Them

Mar 27, 2024

Top 15 Questions to Ask Web Designers Before Hiring Them

Essential Information that benefits you as the customer in the long run

We humans are curious and we want the best we can get whenever business is involved. We want our value’s worth especially when it comes to hiring a service or buying a product. That’s why brands exist. We want to know what we’re getting into before we hire the service. Here are the top 15 questions to ask web designers before hiring them. Shop around. For transparency,  of course we want you to choose MoonRise Creative Studios, but in the end, we want you to have the best experience possible. If we don’t have what you want, hiring us does not make sense and giving you a good experience is what rates us at 4 to 5 stars.

Without further ado:

  1. Can I see examples of your previous work/portfolio?

    1. This question allows you to review the designer's past projects to gauge their style, quality of work, and range of expertise.

  2. Do you have experience with projects similar to mine or in my industry?

    1. Understanding the designer's experience with similar projects or industries can indicate their familiarity with your specific needs and challenges.

  3. What is your design process like? Can you walk me through it?

    1. Knowing the designer's workflow and design process helps you understand how they approach projects, manage tasks, and ensure client satisfaction.

  4. How do you handle revisions? How many rounds of revisions are included?

    1. This question clarifies the revision process, including the number of revisions included in the project scope and how additional revisions are managed.

  5. What is your estimated timeline for completing my project?

    1. Understanding the expected timeline for completing the project helps you plan accordingly and ensures alignment with your deadlines.

  6. What platforms or technologies do you specialize in?

    1. Knowing the designer's expertise in specific platforms or technologies (e.g., WordPress, Shopify, HTML/CSS, JavaScript) ensures they can meet your technical requirements.

  7. Do you provide ongoing maintenance and support after the website is launched?

    1. Clarifying post-launch support ensures you know if the designer offers maintenance services or if you'll need to find another provider for ongoing support.

  8. How do you handle communication and updates throughout the project?

    1. Understanding the communication channels and frequency of updates ensures smooth collaboration and keeps you informed about the project's progress.

  9. Can you provide references or client testimonials?

    1. Client references or testimonials offer insights into the designer's reliability, professionalism, and client satisfaction.

  10. What is your pricing structure? What is included in your pricing? Are there any additional costs I should be aware of?

    1. Understanding the pricing structure, what services are included, and any potential additional costs helps you evaluate the financial aspects of the project.

  11. How do you approach responsive design and mobile optimization?

    1. This question addresses the importance of ensuring the website is optimized for various devices and screen sizes, indicating the designer's commitment to user experience.

  12. What happens if there are technical issues after the website is launched? Do you offer any guarantees or support?

    1. Knowing how the designer handles post-launch technical issues and if they offer any guarantees or support provides reassurance about the website's ongoing performance.

  13. Can you assist with SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

    1. Inquiring about SEO assistance ensures the website is optimized for search engines, potentially increasing its visibility and traffic.

  14. Do you have any specific expertise in accessibility or ADA compliance?

    1. This question addresses the importance of making the website accessible to all users and complying with relevant accessibility standards and regulations.

  15. How do you ensure the security of the websites you design?

    1. Understanding the measures taken to ensure the security of the website protects it from potential cyber threats and vulnerabilities, safeguarding sensitive information and user data.

These questions cover various aspects of the web design process, including the designer's experience, process, communication, pricing, post-launch support, and technical capabilities. Asking these questions can help you assess whether the web designer is the right fit for your project and requirements.

Have any additional questions you want to see on the list? Let us know and we’ll decide if they fit into our ever growing collection of information.

I hope this helps you on your quest of finding the right web designer.

Sam Kwok


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